
Showing posts with the label Personal

Functional Freeze: but I Keep On Updating It

  this will be a growing post as I intended to type this in, and comeback to it to reflect on it. I know I could just leave in draft, but posting it will pressure me to update it as soon as I should. log update: 22nd February What if I was wrong about myself all this time? log update: 29th January . On December I kinda decided to map out my 2025. Input a lot of events and activities that I'm going to do to fill in the whole year. You know last year was a bit bland, except for the beginning of 2024. I was "freeze"-ing. I did spend a lot of times with family. I was just lacking, myself. On the map I wrote exactly things I can do alone or with anyone (if anyone interested in joining in).  I saved a lot of  IG reels throughout 2024 with no action plan to do all of them. Oh my god I sounds like my company. Anyways, re-writing it on paper makes it feel legit? It feels real. On January I want to go Build A Bear (which I did!) and want to have dinner with my best friends (yesss w...

They Say Choose Your Hard; So I Choose Long Commute

 I choose to commute hours away to work. Despite several roadblock exist inconsistently that make me re-calculate my actual commute timing so I can leave my house at appropriate time, to arrive at my workplace at appropriate time. I choose to drive long hour back to my house so I can use this as an excuse to clock out earlier compared to other. Although it is not going to make any difference since they will reach home first, when I still be driving on the highway.  We can't have all nice things at once. At one point, I choose to shorten my social times on working day since I need to get ready for 8 hours recommended sleep time. Albeit my sleep never check a full eight. I choose to ignore others who are not worth to chat with because I only have few hours (specifically, in minutes) left to spend with loved ones before the clock hit 9 o'clock, commanding my body to rest. But I'm determine to wake up early to hit the road the next day because I prefer to be chill getting ready...

Aide-Memoire: We Will Make Mistakes and It Will Be Okay

I pondered quite long whether to write this because my stance is to never tell anything happen at work to public. However, I've decided differently; no obvious figure will be mentioned here and no tea will be served. Everything in this post here are merely my personal view. Not about the event per se.  But if you know, then you know.  they* (a gender neutral referencing to a particular figure, to not disclose the said figure's identity) ----- There was a huge drama happened at work. Quick story; a colleague repeat same trouble, however this time, causing huge backlash from my seniors. I didn't understand the degree of these issue when it happened but others told me the colleague was problematic from day one (even before I joined them). The climax came down to when one of my seniors (will be called subordinate due to different position in next paragraph) gave full feedback to our superior figure, in private. All of this to solve one root of the problem- the s...

Traveling to Japan: Humble Tips to Share

The following tips came from writer who only been to Japan twice (Tokyo and Osaka). Neither of the tips are professionally given advice nor self-claim expert hacks. Throughout writer visits, writer made few mistakes and personally would like to share with reader their experience so that if one were given an opportunity to visit Japan, may one experience calm and smooth journey. Osaka Business Park Traveling to Japan is a dream everyone hold. But other than be quiet in trains and memorizing simple Japanese, what are other advice that one should note before arriving at their airport? Not that best traveling hacks you've heard, here are just 3 personal tips (from my view) I thought you should pay extra attention to get you a calm journey and get the most out of your trip there.  1. Dress Like Locals One line tips that could apply to any other country. It doesn't matter what outfit styles you prefer at your home country, when you come to Japan, I genuinely suggest...

Song Playlist: Novel*

*interestingly new or unusual. synonyms : unusual, unfamiliar, unconventional, unorthodox, different, fresh, state-of-the-art. Lindsey Stirling for LA Press (source:  LApress  ) First post to talk about my interest in songs! Not sure why am I doing this either. Disclaimer: I don't have any music background but safe to say I've good music sense considering been listening to various music genre since young. Any song can be included if it has great baseline or sincere/deep lyrics (whether it's relevant to me personally or not). My top genre would be hip hop (because I grew up listening to songs from early 2000s era), pop, classical and rock. Alright let's go straight to my list. 1. Sunflower - Younha This has to top my list. Younha sang about struggling to accept yourself after past-trouble that damage one's soul. These lines I pasted below feel surely close to me. Other than that, the rock base made it hit my heart even  deeper. Recommended! I’m go...

Of Shutting People Out

In remembrance of all the silent cries before I sleep, tire wake ups, fake smiles, my friends' hopeful wish, dead walks to the school's office (and sometimes to teachers' room) and all hateful responses been thrown at me. For I sided with the rebellious. Also, all arrogant desires of my friends. For I didn't understand their intention. This post is my first-ever attempt to open up about this matter.    Recently, my bestfriend posted this (darling @zatybaha if you read this, pinjam ye ). Translated in literal to: " It's difficult when you're a good listener. People come to you to tell about their problem but at the same time, you have your own problem and they don't know. So end up, you will help them first before you settle yours. "  Well, it feel magical if we actually get to solve our problem. In my case, I didn't get to solve mine. That's the problem. My forever problem .    My climax of this scenario of helpi...

A review on Transformers: The Last Knight

Finally, the Transformers movie has continued with their latest series which is without being oblivion about it, The Last Knight. The box-office was released starting on 20th June with USA marked as the first country to have the science fiction/thriller film on screen followed by other countries onward. A little preview in sentences that I shamelessly steal from google because why not make full use of the 'copy & paste' tool. Humans are at war with the Transformers, and Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving the future lies buried in the secrets of the past and the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. Now it's up too the unlikely alliance of inventor Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, an English lord and an Oxford professor to save the world. I have never done a review on a film before, exclusive case of doing a critic among my peers after we watched a movie together in a group. This time I just had the urge to do it because of how disappointed I am with the wh...

Lalang // Impartial

Earlier of this year if I am correct, Malaysian have a little battle on why the movie Beauty and The Beast doesn't get a chance to air in the cinema unlike any other movies. Rumors had it it was due to a short clip that was claimed as a 'gay scene', too gay for a decent Malaysian. The film board decided it with all due respect to Islam, since any decisions that are being taken in Malaysia must favor to Muslims first before it is cater to other religion that are free to practice here in the country. But worry not because usually at the end, the decision must be made through concrete analysis based on firm reasons. So no bias decision here. No upper hand too. (Go google it yourself why they ban it)  Okay long story short, what I was trying to tell here is that how the arguments on the decision of banning Beauty and The Beast were on fire. I literally swayed my opinions left and right after reading some debate and in which make me realize one thing; getting to know myse...


  The other day I stumbled upon a post saying how sickening it is friendship nowadays that some of us just tend to fade it away as saying that you shouldn't trust your people easily, prioritize yourself and forget the others. "Life is a big game you should learn to gamble it.". Literally what I have summarize from all the content under the topic 'Friend'.    Sometimes I wonder, why is it so hard for some people to just be kind to each other? What are the cons to be kind to the world? " People are going to step on you honey. That' why. So don't be nice. " I mean really? That's all the bad side of being kind you can give after what happened in your circumstance? I'm truly taken aback when I ponder on this issue and I can simply say, some don't learn enough to understand these trust issue. Sitting still and doing nothing are two different thing. So does, being kind and being dumb are two- Completely. Different thing. ...

In The Middle of Nowhere

Ya Allah, I don't know why is it lately, I feel so distracted. I feel lost in my own track that I have originally planned to be a perfect pathway for me to reach my goals at the end of this semester. I am just so lost. In the middle, of nowhere.  For the past few weeks I have immersed (not intentionally of course) myself with few events that turned out to be cancelled at the end because of some problems that we, the crew just cannot find a solution for it. It was so devastating for me since I have poured all my energy to it, I have wasted quite a few times of study because of them. I missed the morning class to compensate all my times for sleep. My schedule went all over the places. I couldn't not even handle myself anymore. Nevertheless, I am just a normal human being. And I need rest. For God sake, how on earth people survived university's life? 4 more weeks to final and I've already feel numb. Today's post will be slightly a deeper thoughts than...

My Past Obsession

Wasn't a real fanatic one tho. Was more a simpler fan. Bought their albums (I bought 3 to be precised) but not to the extend hang up their poster on my bedroom wall. Never have I ever went to any Kpop concert before or even thought slightly of going to. You could say I'm a nerd fan.   Two days ago, I went through my music files to play some songs. My arrow was hovering on the screen until it stopped at 'Korean' music files. And I was like, 'It has been ages!'. Back then when I was a Kpop fan, EXO and Girls' Generation were two my favourite groups. It's so weird to think because I like English songs as well. Jojo and Hillary Duff are indeed have the best music! However, why I didn't buy their official goods? Jojo (Source: Ecorazzi )   At first, I chose not to listen to the file again but somehow without I realized, Dont Go by EXO has already played. While listening, I made a reflection and questioning myself,  'Why did I like them ...

Part Of Me : Footdrill

KAWAD KAKI    Yep as told in the title, a part of me. Sebahagian daripada hidup saya. Kalau satu tahun tak masuk kawad, boleh dikatakan pelik. Saya akan tiba-tiba jadi tak kisah kalau apa-apa hal yang melibatkan kawad macam muka gelap , berminyak etc. Bagi saya, benda tu kiranya main letak tepi je. Mula join kawad kaki sejak darjah 4. Ingat lagi, time pemilihan tuh, first-first cikgu suruh jalan biasa. Pass. Then cikgu suruh kawad. Out of the blue, I can do it without fail! I was really surprised, then terus dapat masuk kawad. Seronok betul. Ibu pernah kata, masa saya kecil dulu, saya suka tengok orang berarak, kawad dan benda-benda askar buat. Sebab tu lah kot, saya dapat buat.    Dari sekolah rendah sampai sekolah menengah, saya masuk unit beruniform Puteri Islam. Memang stick sangat kan. Dari sekolah rendah, saya mewakili unit Puteri Islam. Darjah 4 (SKLA) and tingkatan 1 (STAN) , tempak ke-3 [darjah 5 dan 6, sekolah baru saya tak hantar wakil (SKTS)]. Ting...