The other day I stumbled upon a post saying how sickening it is friendship nowadays that some of us just tend to fade it away as saying that you shouldn't trust your people easily, prioritize yourself and forget the others. "Life is a big game you should learn to gamble it.". Literally what I have summarize from all the content under the topic 'Friend'.
Sometimes I wonder, why is it so hard for some people to just be kind to each other? What are the cons to be kind to the world? "People are going to step on you honey. That' why. So don't be nice." I mean really? That's all the bad side of being kind you can give after what happened in your circumstance? I'm truly taken aback when I ponder on this issue and I can simply say, some don't learn enough to understand these trust issue.
Sitting still and doing nothing are two different thing.
So does,
being kind and being dumb are two- Completely. Different thing.
You could be really kind just by paying the gas price to your friend who's driving but wise enough to think of the limit that you should only pay within your budget. No pressure.
You could be a help of a group assignment to find all the answers but not that stupid to give the entire answer sheet with exact wording and even pass it on to other group in the name of 'just helping'. You hell know that they are not going to alter your answer and use it fully for their benefits. It's the matter of educating your mind to handle stuff. Be observant and always check the validity of things you know, the rationality of your action before you proceed.
Deceiving blatantly will jeopardize your faith because you didn't take control of what you should take in and what you should give it out.
Know your limit. Be kind and be wise! Don't make fool of yourself with the naive personality you have. Buckle up and brace yourself that days are not always sun and shine. That's how the saying goes with you have to has rain to witness the rainbow. What's the point of learning from your surrounding if you are just going to waste it away? Why do you think you had have too many interconnections with different events that took place? Yes, life is meant to enjoy to every last of it. Unfortunately, shits can happen. Laughing off, I don't think I should pour more warning after warning to wake you up.
We, literally, have brain. Just saying.
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