Tribute to the Ailurophile
Not to the whole people who likes cats. Just this particular one. Because jyeah it's her birthday!
Nurizzati Eureka. Eh.
By the way Zatie, this post will probably make you cringe on your chair and question the whole universe why on earth would you stuck with a person like me. Admit it. Aku pun.
So when I first thought of writing this post, I have imagined a hell-long-babbling post about you, okay mungkin include the good things that you have done to me after knowing each other for 9 years. Bruh it's real, we are going to hit 10 years of love-and-hate friendship! Oh and might do a bit recap of your embarrassing moment we did masa sekolah menengah, since that's all the time we actually had together the most before we entered matriculation college. Before we parted away. Like freaking away. (ps: Aku check google map. It's 300 km away gurl. Dah boleh naik kapal terbang acah jumpa kawan belajar oversea hahaha.)
Long-post is no need. You don't need my validation that you are a good person. Because you were born an angel. All the humiliating recaps aku simpan buat slideshow for your wedding ceremony instead muehehe. As to accompany our awkward pose in the photo (Ugly photo really came in handy), here are few words I have always wanted to say to you, to repeat it again and again, so you won't forget. Just before it's too late.
First- you are not young I mean hello you are getting seriously old amboi amboi amboi.
Second- okay yeah but you are definitely free and I am happy to see that you are enjoying fascinating stuff (i.e dance, marathon with your clique) from afar. Instagram is a kind like a report now hehe.
Third- you graceful little lady tolong jangan layan lelaki yang perangai macam neraka because it hurt me to see you experience another heartbreak. I've been watching you suffer since high school. Please don't fall for their games again. Pergi masjid, manalah tahu jumpa yang betul-betul baik. Just saying though.
Fourth- you are going to hate this but i don't care so my present for you is tons of loveeesss
Fifth- you owe me aiskrim butterfly. *cough
Sixth- alright since it is your birthday, my gift for you is cancelling out that ice cream.
Seventh- how you keep your handwriting curly and small for 21 years? Mine terus cakar ayam the next page. (read: the next line)
Eight- Dekan is a dream come true but it is not a validation of who outsmart in university. Just some piece of award to appreciate the hierarchy in education. Keep learning and make sure you loves what you are learning. It's already an awed to me for a girl to learn coding. Aku nampak coding macam tulisan Braille.
Nineth- erm berat apa khabar?
Tenth- remember when you taught me how nak bagi buku nampak kemas lepas balut with that freaking-slippery-wrapper-who-invented-this-we-need-to-talk ? Just simply 'rendam' the book with heavier books. Whenever aku balut aku always ingat tips yang kau ajar. Thank you masta.
Eleventh- kalau pening kepala sebab pusing-pusing masa menari, cari sendiri la minyak cap kapak siapa suruh hang daftar belajar jauh-jauh
Twelveth- aku ada kirim salam 'hug Zati for me please' at one of the cats here. Boleh delivery message ke sana katanya. Haaa bolehlah cari mana-mana kucing and peluk keke.
Thirteenth- cannot write on this number. Too creepy.
Forteenth- drive us please on next gathering haha thanks in advance.
Fifteenth- your way to keep brooches tak berkarat is still amazing. Double pin lagi. Eee aku kalau boleh nak pakai tudung sarung je pergi mall how can you keep your scarf just nice like that.
Sixteenth- why took so long to reach eighteenth I am lazy ass help but hey aku ikhlas cuma run out of idea. Dah tua kot macam kau.
Seventeenth- saving the best for last! Have confidence in yourself. Don't be afraid to push interest on other field. Zatie, you survived all those heartbreaks therefore you absolutely can survive everything. You are strong. You know yourself.
To make you stop from laughing or smiling weirdly to your phone, I shall stop writing. Nanti orang lain ingat kau gila aku pulak yang susah. Selamat meniti usia tua. Selamat bershopping amboi amboi amboi. Okay jangan lupa belikan coklat dan bunga hantar ke sini. Crazily hungry and I died seeing all those pretty bouquet of flowers syaiton betul siapa yang retweet. Belanja ayam or nuggets are extras. Sekian sahaja demand daripada saya.
ps: Eighteenth- 17th was a joke. Seronok tak jadi dewasa? Muahahaha
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