Nothing can teach you like experience do!

UKM, Kampus Bangi:- Pertandingan Wind Orchestra anjuran Kolej Pendeta Za'ba Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia telah diadakan sepanjang 12 Mac hingga 13 Mac 2016 and it was the best program I have ever joined. Believe me I will never regret for joining the team to conduct our college's first wind orchestra competition.

Who were the winner? Alam Shah, Putrajaya won the first place followed by SSP, Cyberjaya and last but not least, Tunku Kurshiah College took over the third place. Congratulation to everyone, menang and yang tak menang, each of you, you have did your best. For any competition, selain ranking, pengalaman tu yang lebih penting untuk disimpan untuk kita improvise diri kita in the next competition. The funny part, saya dengan seorang lagi kru jadi runner untuk sekolah SAS. (Maksudnya kena pastikan diorang dengar taklimat, usher diorang bila masa nak buat persembahan, jaga barang diorang, pastikan susunan diorang teratur and etc), so bila diorang menang dengan kitorang pun excited like, jaga sekolah je entah macammana boleh tumpang rasa bangga.

  Okay I can't help myself but to mention how disappointed I am of the fact MRSM Felda Trolak didn't win any of the places. It was just so unlucky since they had performed Pirates of Caribbean which had bring so many emotions and every penonton pun macam, "Yep they definitely gonna win this." Ergh hampa. I had put high hopes on them since they did their sound check!

By the way, saya merupakan kru Program and I was responsible to take care of the gimmick! Ya Allah part ni la yang saya nak highlightkan. Punya rasa nak menangis dua minggu bina gimik tu memang hampir nak give up dah. When I first drew the picture, rasa dah okay, siap boleh bayang bahan apa nak pakai untuk part ni, nak bagi gimik tu jatuh and so on. Dah siap rangka semua dah. Kalah pelajar kejuruteraan.

 Somehow, 3 days to the big event, gimik tu tak berapa nak menjadi. Dia punya shell tak jatuh and we have problem nak tegakkan treble clef figure (We made it with polystyrene and painted it with black). Supposedly, bila perasmi potong riben dekat shell paling tengah, semua cengkerang tu akan jatuh and reveal treble clef covered with fairy lights.

 I swear I almost cried and gave it up to the point I want to cut all the shells, just make a flower-like shape and tampal je sekeliling tapak treble-clef figure even though it won't be surprise anymore. Masa tu dah hari Khamis tak silap and semua pun dah penat. Everyday stay up sampai pukul 1 nak bina gimik and bangun awal pagi pergi kelas. In between rehat terkejar-kejar nak siapkan homework sebab masa dah pack. Memang jadi sangat stress, kepala dah pening, mata dah berat sebab tak cukup rehat.

 Luckily, on the day we moved the gimmick to DECTAR, I had the idea to cut off the edge of the shell. Me and my team did a little test on the gimmick, find out the problem and solve that particular problem on the spot. So we did it but only get to test it the next morning. Alhamdulillah it work like I planned! Rasa macam nak sujud syukur sebab gembira betul bila gimik tu menjadi. Punyalah nak nangis, siap gaduh fikir macammana nak settlekan masalah shell tu. Finally :')

 This competition really tested my patient, my responsibility and my brain to the max that it hurts. Apa2 pun, SAYA belajar banyak benda sepanjang menguruskan program ni. Daripada macammana nak buat tentatif to buat surat rasmi kolej to stressing out over gimmick idea to being a runner of a program. I had the real fun running in the big hall while listening to the beauty of orchestra. Can't wait to held another orchestra competition, in the future.

It was a blast and again, congratulations to Sultan Alam Shah on winning our competition! Walaupun saya cuma runner, selebet lari sana-sini uruskan awak semua, I'm still proud of you guys. All the best for your future!