Nothing can teach you like experience do!

UKM, Kampus Bangi:- Pertandingan Wind Orchestra anjuran Kolej Pendeta Za'ba Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia telah diadakan sepanjang 12 Mac hingga 13 Mac 2016 and it was the best program I have ever joined. Believe me I will never regret for joining the team to conduct our college's first wind orchestra competition. Who were the winner? Alam Shah, Putrajaya won the first place followed by SSP, Cyberjaya and last but not least, Tunku Kurshiah College took over the third place. Congratulation to everyone, menang and yang tak menang, each of you, you have did your best. For any competition, selain ranking, pengalaman tu yang lebih penting untuk disimpan untuk kita improvise diri kita in the next competition. The funny part, saya dengan seorang lagi kru jadi runner untuk sekolah SAS. (Maksudnya kena pastikan diorang dengar taklimat, usher diorang bila masa nak buat persembahan, jaga barang diorang, pastikan susunan diorang teratur and etc), so bila diorang menang de...