
Showing posts from 2013

Teks Forum Daerah. (Tempat ke-3)

Pengerusi: Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim, bersyukur kita ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurniaNya, dapatlah kita bersama-sama dalam Pertandingan Forum Remaja bagi sesi 2013. Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, salam ukhwah dan salam 1 Malaysia. Saya, Nabilla selaku pengerusi majlis anda pada hari ini, akan membawa anda dalam perbincangan dengan ketiga-tiga orang ahli panel kita pada hari ini dengan tajuk yang amat menarik untuk kita bincangkan sebentar sahaja lagi. Kata orang, tak kenal maka tak cinta, Jadi apa kata kita berkenal-kenal dahulu dengan ahli panel kita yang comel-comel belaka. Dimulakan dengan pertama, sebelah kanan saya, saudari Izyan. Apa khabar saudari? Seterusnya, kita berkenal pula dengan ahli panel kedua, saudari Hafiffah. Selamat datang saudari. Dan dihujung sana, nampak pemalu tetapi bijak berkata-kata, saudari Hafizah. Apa khabar saudari? "Aiman berkata Aiman tak kisah, Mawi berkata Aduh Saleha, Kami membawa maulud bicara, ...

Suspended Coffee Will Warm You Better

Hello! Miss me? No? Okay, moving on. Come up with new story that I want to tell you about coffee. Ain't nobody like coffee unless you are a hardworking or workaholic person, and yes you should continue reading this. This story will warm you better than a coffee in a cold winter day: "We enter a little coffeehouse with a friend of mine and give our order. While we're approaching our table two people come in and they go to the counter - 'Five coffees, please. Two of them for us and three suspended' They pay for their order, take the two and leave. I ask my friend: 'What are those 'suspended' coffees?' 'Wait for it and you will see' At this point, I also start wondering, what is suspended coffee or we call it as ' kopi tergantung ' in Bahasa? Huh? Please people, avoid direct translating or you will ruin your grammar and your whole life. Some more people enter. Two girls ask for one coffee each, p...

Story Time: Possessed + Clashed

It has been ages since my last post. What was the title? I can't remember it either. Being a big exam candidate is the worst. Since 1st January, this is my first time I got a chance to write something in my blog. Well you know, homework, books, pen and all that stuff, pretty sure I already get used to it by now. Anyway, story time!  On 6th February, (Stanian hosteler already knew about this) Okay, aspuri najihah hari tu adakan majlis perpisahan untuk Puan Normaya, our Ketua Warden. Bersara daripada Ketua Warden. And of course senior kena handle majlis tu. Saya punyalah perah otak fikirkan aturcara majlis (I was supposed to be the emcee with Nadia) And.. tink! Masa majlis dah nak mula, our PK HEM dah sampai dengan dua anak angkatnya, but suddenly, something happened. One of our junior (form 1) kena r****k. I believe any hosteler tahu apa yang berlaku. Ini adalah kes biasa di asrama. Senior semua kelam kabut pergi bilik sakit untuk selesaikan kes. Semua batch saya d...